Cosmere Conversations
a deep dive into Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere universe
About the show
Two lovers of the Cosmere explore the universe created by Brandon Sanderson with biweekly episodes discussing the intricacies of this literary masterpiece. Episodes begin with background information on the Cosmere itself and develop to be more specific regarding each world/novel. We discuss the crossovers, magic systems, and characters in great detail. For fans of Sanderson, literature, epic stories, magic, and sexy podcast hosts. #AllSpoilers
Cosmere Conversations on social media
Episode 83: Emulsifiers
July 6th, 2021 | 46 mins 31 secs
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, emulsifiers, fantasy, harmony, mistborn, navanni, novels, oathbringer, raboniel, rhythm of war, roshar, sazed, scadrial, stormlight archive
Brooke & Tyler discuss all the different types of emulsifiers on Roshar and throughout the Cosmere. The Middle Path is a recurring theme that is continually presented as an alternative to the traditional good/bad storytelling and emulsifiers are the key to complete understanding. #AllSpoilers
Episode 82: Exploring Shallan & DID
June 22nd, 2021 | 43 mins 8 secs
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, did, fantasy, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, rhythm of war, roshar, scadrial, shallan, stormlight archive
Brooke and Tyler invite special guest star Kailee of the Ivory System to discuss Shallan, the Cosmere, and real-world Dissociative Identity Disorder. Kailee has been diagnosed with DID and has a Masters degree focused on trauma-informed education. #AllSpoilers
Episode 81: The Timeline of Shallan Davar
June 8th, 2021 | 1 hr 26 mins
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, fantasy, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive
Brooke and Tyler go step by step through the life of Shallan in an attempt to organize her messy and chaotic story. We answer when does she bond a spren, what are the differences in her blades, does she have plate, and everything all the way through the events of RoW. #AllSpoilers
Episode 80: Mayalaran & The Recreance
May 25th, 2021 | 1 hr 1 min
adolin, books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, fantasy, maya, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, recreance, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive
Brooke and Tyler look at the relationship between Mayalaran and Adolin and the ever-evolving nature of what it means to bond with a spren. Maya's revelation at the trial completely recontextualizes the past on Roshar and may be one of the biggest factors in convincing spren to join the war against Odium. #AllSpoilers
Episode 79: Kaladin, Syl, and the Nahel Bond
May 11th, 2021 | 1 hr 30 mins
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, fantasy, kaladin, mistborn, nahel bond, novels, oathbringer, rhthym of war, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive, surges, syl
Brooke and Tyler discuss Kaladin's arc in Rhythm of War, the new information we learn about the Nahel Bond, and the ever-evolving relationship between Syl and Kaladin. We conclude with a debate about "Honor's Truest Surge" and how it could throw the entire system of Surgebinding through a loop. #AllSpoilers
Episode 78: The Epilogue
April 27th, 2021 | 41 mins 47 secs
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, epilogue, fantasy, hoid, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, odium, rhythm of war, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive
Brooke and Tyler theorize about the Rhythm of War epilogue and what the interaction between Odium and Hoid means for the greater Cosmere. #AllSpoilers
Episode 77: Bondsmiths & The Deal
April 13th, 2021 | 1 hr 14 mins
bondsmiths, books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, dalinar, fantasy, ishar, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive, the deal
Brooke and Tyler discuss the role of the Bondsmiths throughout Roshar, Dalinar's unique role, and whatever Ishar is getting up to at the end of RoW. Then, in precise detail, we cover each and every offer/counteroffer and final terms of The Deal. #AllSpoilers
Episode 76: Taravangian, [REDACTED]
March 30th, 2021 | 1 hr 10 mins
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, fantasy, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, odium, rhythm of war, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive, tarvangian
Brooke and Tyler manically catalog every aspect of Taravangian's journey to become one of the Cosmere's most interesting individuals. The theories are wild and describing this without spoilers is hard. #AllSpoilers
Episode 75: RoW Part 5 Epigraphs
March 16th, 2021 | 44 mins 53 secs
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, epigraphs, fantasy, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, rhythm of war, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive
Brooke and Tyler conclude their review of the Epigraphs from Rhythm of War and theorize about the implications of El's Musings. Hemalurgist, villain, savior? The possibilities are endless for this latest character and we explore them all. #AllSpoilers
Episode 74: RoW Part 4 Epigraphs
March 2nd, 2021 | 58 mins
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, epigraphs, fantasy, kalak, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, rhythm of war, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive
Brooke and Tyler theorize about the Part 4 Epigraphs from Rhythm of War, Kalak's Journal. The Herald of Willshapers certainly gives plenty of discussion fodder about the nature of cognitive shadows, the Oathpact, and how it all connects to the greater Cosmere. #AllSpoilers
Episode 73: RoW Part 3 Epigraphs
February 16th, 2021 | 47 mins 17 secs
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, epigraphs, fantasy, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, rhythm of war, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive
Brooke and Tyler dissect the Epigraphs for Part 3 of Rhythm of War which come from the in-world book of the same name. Navanni and Raboniel's notebook that details their discoveries regarding Light will continue to have long-term impacts on the Cosmere. #AllSpoilers
Episode 72: RoW Part 2 Epigraphs
February 2nd, 2021 | 48 mins 29 secs
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, epigraphs, fantasy, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, rhythm of war, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive
Brooke and Tyler dissect every sentence of the Letter from Harmony to Hoid in the Part 2 Epigraphs. Multiple new Shards are mentioned as well as the major warning that sets up the final events of Odium in RoW. #AllSpoilers
Episode 71: RoW Part 1 Epigraphs
January 19th, 2021 | 1 hr 7 mins
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, eipgraphs, fabrial, fantasy, mistborn, navani, novels, oathbringer, rhythm of war, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive
Brooke and Tyler dive deep into the Part 1 Epigraphs from Rhythm of War. Each line of Navani's lecture on fabrial mechanics further mashes together different parts of the Cosmere and the speculation reaches new heights. #AllSpoilers
Episode 70: Thaidakar & the Cosmere Economy
January 5th, 2021 | 1 hr 4 mins
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, fantasy, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, rhythm of war, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive, thaidakar
Brooke and Tyler wildly speculate on different aspects of the Cosmere Economy and the driving force behind the Ghostbloods, Thaidakar. #AllSpoilers
Episode 69: The Nature of Light
December 22nd, 2020 | 1 hr 19 mins
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, fantasy, light, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, rhythm of war, roshar, scadrial, stormlight, stormlight archive
Brooke and Tyler explore every facet of the discoveries in RoW regarding Light, Rhythms, and the True Tones of Roshar. #AllSpoilers
Episode 68: Rhythm of War!!!
December 11th, 2020 | 1 hr 13 mins
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, fantasy, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, rhythm of war, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive
Brooke and Tyler give their first reactions to Rhythm of War and set up the many episodes to come that will explore every single aspect of SA4 and how it connects to the greater Cosmere. #AllSpoilers