Cosmere Conversations
a deep dive into Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere universe
About the show
Two lovers of the Cosmere explore the universe created by Brandon Sanderson with biweekly episodes discussing the intricacies of this literary masterpiece. Episodes begin with background information on the Cosmere itself and develop to be more specific regarding each world/novel. We discuss the crossovers, magic systems, and characters in great detail. For fans of Sanderson, literature, epic stories, magic, and sexy podcast hosts. #AllSpoilers
Cosmere Conversations on social media
Episode 102: Combining Magic Systems
May 3rd, 2022 | 57 mins 38 secs
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, crossovers, elantris, fantasy, hoid, investiture, magic, mistborn, nalthis, novels, oathbringer, roshar, scadrial, shards, sixth of the dusk, stormlight archive, warbreaker
Brooke and Tyler heed the call of the fans and talk compounding, Shard crossovers, and different magical combinations that may (or may not) exist in the Cosmere. #AllSpoilers
Episode 101: Who is Shallan's Mom?
April 19th, 2022 | 42 mins 55 secs
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, fantasy, heralds, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, rhythmy of war, roshar, scadrial, shallan, shallan's mom, stormlight archive
Brooke and Tyler mine the mysterious mountain that makes up Shallan's past and try to answer one of the great Rosharian riddles. #AllSpoilers
Episode 100: Create a Cosmere World
April 5th, 2022 | 1 hr 27 mins
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, fantasy, invention, mistborn, nk jemisin, novels, oathbringer, roshar, scadrial, shardworld, stormlight archive, worldbuilding
Brooke and Tyler create a whole new Cosmere World! Borrowing a worldbuilding outline from fantasy author N.K. Jemisin, we use a currently unknown Shardworld as the template for our own crazy creation. A 100th episode special! #AllSpoilers
Episode 99: Words of Brandon Vol. 6
March 22nd, 2022 | 1 hr 16 mins
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, fantasy, issac stewart, mistborn, nalthis, novels, oathbringer, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive
Brooke and Tyler discuss the major news in the Cosmere as of March 2022 with commentary on some of Brandon's most recent spoiler streams, fan questions, and announcements. #AllSpoilers
Episode 98: The Five Scholars
March 8th, 2022 | 1 hr 21 mins
arsteel, books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, denth, fantasy, mistborn, nalthis, novels, oathbringer, returned, roshar, scadrial, shashara, stormlight archive, the five scholars, vasher, yesteel
Brooke and Tyler open their textbooks and take a deeper look at Five Scholars. Masters of Awakening, Creators of New Magics, Harbingers of War? Who are the Five Scholars and what is their legacy throughout the Cosmere? #AllSpoilers
Episode 97: Aethers
February 22nd, 2022 | 55 mins 33 secs
aether of night, aethers, books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, fantasy, ghostbloods, mistborn, mraize, novels, oathbringer, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive
Brooke and Tyler have a not-quite Cosmere convo as they discuss the non-canon Aether of Night novel and the implications of incorporating Aether as a magic system in the broader Cosmere. #AllSpoilers
Episode 96: Kingmaker & Fan Feedback
January 25th, 2022 | 45 mins 29 secs
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, fantasy, first of the sun, kingmaker, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive
Brooke and Tyler discuss the rough draft for a First of the Sun story entitled "Kingmaker" that Brandon read during the Cytonic press tour. This non-canon story gives a glimpse at the far future of the Cosmere. Followed by some feedback from the fans. #AllSpoilers
Episode 95: Book Back Blurbs
January 11th, 2022 | 1 hr 1 min
blurbs, books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, fantasy, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, roshar, scadrial, sleepless, stormlight archive
Brooke and Tyler lean heavily on their speculation powers as they discuss the Stormlight Archive Blurbs on the back of the hardcover/paperback versions of the novels. Each blurb is written from the perspective of an in-world Sleepless and every word is dripping with unexpected foreshadowing. #AllSpoilers
Episode 94: State of the Spoilery Sanderson
December 28th, 2021 | 54 mins 55 secs
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, fantasy, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, roshar, scadrial, state of the sanderson, stormlight archive, year end review
Brooke and Tyler celebrate Koloss Head Munching Day by discussing the official State of The Sanderson 2021 and the Spoiler Stream that Brandon did in December 2021. #AllSpoilers
Episode 93: Hoid's Parables: The Dog and the Dragon
December 14th, 2021 | 41 mins 7 secs
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, dog and dragon, fantasy, hoid, kaladin, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, parables, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive
Brooke and Tyler travel to the nightmare world to hear the tale of a dog who wanted to be a dragon and learn how the meaning of stories is the meaning we give to them. Kaladin's lowest point is made a small bit better, propelling him to the epic conclusion of RoW. #AllSpoilers
Episode 92: Hoid's Parables: The Moon Child
November 30th, 2021 | 51 mins 10 secs
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, fantasy, hoid, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, roshar, scadrial, shallan, stormlight archive, the moon child, wit
Brooke and Tyler discuss the most peculiar and meaningful tale so far. Is Hoid's story of a tricked Moon spirit one that explains all the mysteries of the Cosmere? How are the three Shards connected? What are the implications for Roshar? What does it all mean?! We do our best to untangle the web and end with more questions than we began. #AllSpoilers
Episode 91: Hoid's Parables: The Girl Who Looked Up
November 16th, 2021 | 48 mins 7 secs
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, fantasy, hoid, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, roshar, scadrial, shallan, stormlight archive, the girl who looked up, wit
Brooke and Tyler discuss the two versions of The Girl Who Looked Up and its significance to Shallan and the greater Cosmere? #AllSpoilers
Episode 90: Hoid's Parables: Fleet & Wandersail
November 2nd, 2021 | 46 mins 57 secs
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, fantasy, fleet, hoid, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive, wandersail, wit
Brooke and Tyler journey across Roshar by land and sea with the Cosmere's greatest storyteller. We break down Hoid's stories to Kaladin from WoK & WoR and speculate about their meaning for the end of SA5 and the greater Cosmere. #AllSpoilers
Episode 89: Death Rattles
October 19th, 2021 | 1 hr 5 mins
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, death rattles, fantasy, future sight, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, rhythm of war, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive
Brooke and Tyler invite special guest star Aaron to the podcast in order to discuss everyone's favorite form of future sight- the Death Rattles! The Cosmere Nerd Triforce aligns with spreadsheets, lots of quotes, and some truly crazy theories. #AllSpoilers
Episode 88: Sixth of the Dusk Sequel
October 5th, 2021 | 1 hr 21 mins
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, fantasy, first of the sun, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, ones above, roshar, scadrial, sixth of the dusk, stormlight archive
Brooke and Tyler read and discuss the entirety of the Sixth of the Dusk sequel chapter that Brandon released at the Rhythm of War launch party in 2020. #AllSpoilers
Episode 87: Words of Brandon Vol. 5
August 31st, 2021 | 53 mins 14 secs
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, fantasy, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, rhythm of war, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive, words of brandon
Brooke and Tyler discuss several of the revelations from JordanCon 2021 where Brandon answered multiple fan questions directly about Rhythm of War. #AllSpoilers