Cosmere Conversations
a deep dive into Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere universe
We found 10 episodes of Cosmere Conversations with the tag “cosmere”.
Episode 53: Elantris ReRead
April 7th, 2020 | 1 hr 15 mins
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, elantris, fantasy, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, roshar, scadrial, sel, stormlight archive
Brooke and Tyler stay socially distant but Cosmere connected while breaking down Elantris. We discuss the politics, religions, and Cosmere connections found throughout Brandon's first Cosmere novel. #AllSpoilers
Episode 52: Fan Theories & Questions
March 31st, 2020 | 56 mins 46 secs
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, fan theories, fantasy, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive
Brooke and Tyler answer questions from the fans and go off on wild theory tangents.
Episode 51: Mistborn Era 2 ReRead
March 3rd, 2020 | 1 hr 49 mins
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, fantasy, mistborn, mistborn era 2, novels, oathbringer, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive, wax and wayne
Brooke and Tyler discuss all three of the Era 2 Mistborn novels: Alloy of Law, Shadows of Self, Bands of Mourning. We talk about our favorite moments and the connections to the greater Cosmere. #AllSpoilers
Episode 50: Mistborn ReRead Part 2
January 28th, 2020 | 1 hr 2 mins
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, cosmere reread, fantasy, hero of ages, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive, the final empire, well of ascension
Brooke and Tyler discuss The Hero of Ages during their 2020 ReRead. We explore each of the books with fresh eyes and a Cosmere connected mind.
Episode 49: Mistborn ReRead Part 1
January 14th, 2020 | 1 hr 35 mins
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, cosmere reread, fantasy, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive, the final empire, well of ascension
Brooke and Tyler discuss The Final Empire and Well of Ascension during their 2020 ReRead. We explore each of the books with fresh eyes and a Cosmere connected mind.
Episode 48: The ReRead Begins
December 10th, 2019 | 21 mins 1 sec
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, elantris, fantasy, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, reread, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive, warbreaker
Brooke and Tyler preview the Cosmere ReRead in preparation for Stormlight Archive 4 release next Fall. We plan our path through the Cosmere and need your help deciding how the adventure unfolds!
Episode 47: Religions in the Cosmere Vol. 2
November 19th, 2019 | 56 mins 12 secs
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, fantasy, mistborn, nalthis, novels, oathbringer, roshar, scadrial, sel, stormlight archive, taldain
Brooke and Tyler continue the series on religions throughout the Cosmere. Sanderson's inclusion of religion in each of his stories creates an entanglement of cultures, history, linguistics, and customs that are ripe for exploration. Volume 2 includes several religions from Sel, Nalthis, and Taldain. #AllSpoilers
Episode 46: Religions in the Cosmere Vol. 1
November 5th, 2019 | 1 hr 8 mins
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, fantasy, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, religion, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive
Brooke and Tyler begin a new series on religions throughout the Cosmere. Sanderson's inclusion of religion in each of his stories creates an entanglement of cultures, history, linguistics, and customs that are ripe for exploration. Volume 1 includes several religions from Scadrial and Roshar. #AllSpoilers
Episode 45: White Sand Vol. 3
October 22nd, 2019 | 53 mins 30 secs
autonomy, books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, fantasy, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive, taldain, white sand
Brooke and Tyler review and discuss the latest graphic novel in the White Sand series. There are Shards, Hoid-sightings, and plenty of quibbles and qualms. #AllSpoilers
Episode 44: Looking Forward
October 8th, 2019 | 43 mins 51 secs
books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, fantasy, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive
Brooke and Tyler ask the fans what they're most looking forward to in the Cosmere #AllSpoilers