Cosmere Conversations
a deep dive into Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere universe
We found 10 episodes of Cosmere Conversations with the tag “autonomy”.
Episode 116: TLM - Autonomy
February 28th, 2023 | 56 mins 23 secs
autonomy, bavadin, books, brandon sanderson, broadsheets, codenames, cosmere, crossovers, discord, elantris, fantasy, harmonium, harmony, kelsier, magic, mistborn, mistborn era 2, moonlight, nalthis, novels, oathbringer, roshar, sazed, sazed warbreaker, scadrial, souther scadrians, stormlight archive, stormlight archivebooks, thaidakar, the emperor's soul, the lost metal, the set, trell, trellism, trellium, twinsoul. aethers
Brooke and Tyler turn their gaze to the invader of Scadrial and attempt to unravel the mystery of Bavadin/Autonomy. What do they want? How are they behaving differently from other Shards? When will they return? #AllSpoilers
Episode 45: White Sand Vol. 3
October 22nd, 2019 | 53 mins 30 secs
autonomy, books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, fantasy, mistborn, novels, oathbringer, roshar, scadrial, stormlight archive, taldain, white sand
Brooke and Tyler review and discuss the latest graphic novel in the White Sand series. There are Shards, Hoid-sightings, and plenty of quibbles and qualms. #AllSpoilers