Cosmere Conversations
a deep dive into Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere universe
We found 2 episodes of Cosmere Conversations with the tag “retribution”.
Episode 166: Cosmere Dictionary Vol. 2 ( feat. Jofwu )
February 18th, 2025 | 1 hr 42 mins
adolin, aethers, autonomy, bavadin, books, brandon sanderson, cognitive shadows, cosmere, cosmere dictionary, crossovers, dalinar, discord, elantris, fantasy, harmonium, harmony, hoid, jofwu, kaladin, kelsier, khriss, lift, magic, maya, mistborn, mistborn era 2, nalthis, navani, navani kholin, novels, oathbringer, philosophy, retribution, scadrial, shallan, stormblessed, stormfather, stormlight archive, szeth, thaidakar, the emperor's soul, venli, warbreaker, wind and truth, words of brandon, year of sanderson
Brooke and Tyler are joined by long-time Cosmere contributor and Arcanist Jofwu to discuss cognitive shadows' origins and complexities. Perhaps the fandom's most debated and speculated-upon question is "What are cognitive shadows and how do they work?" We look at different types of cognitive entities across various planets, categorize how they are created, and wonder whether or not a cognitive shadow is/was/or will be(!) a soul. #AllSpoilers
Episode 165: Wind and Truth!!!
February 4th, 2025 | 1 hr 28 mins
adolin, aethers, autonomy, bavadin, books, brandon sanderson, cognitive shadows, cosmere, crossovers, dalinar, discord, elantris, fantasy, harmonium, harmony, hoid, kaladin, kelsier, khriss, lift, magic, maya, mistborn, mistborn era 2, nalthis, navani, navani kholin, novels, oathbringer, philosophy, retribution, scadrial, shallan, stormblessed, stormfather, stormlight archive, szeth, thaidakar, the emperor's soul, venli, warbreaker, wind and truth, words of brandon, year of sanderson
Brooke and Tyler finally discuss Wind and Truth! We review the predictions made both right and wrong, gush about our favorite moments, and share our rough cuts from Stormlight Archive Book 5. The time for the hashtag you've been waiting for is now here. #AllSpoilers