Cosmere Conversations
a deep dive into Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere universe
We found 1 episode of Cosmere Conversations with the tag “cosmere dictionary”.
Episode 161: Cosmere Dictionary Vol. 1
December 24th, 2024 | 49 mins 52 secs
adolin, aethers, autonomy, avatars, bavadin, books, brandon sanderson, cognitive shadows, cosmere, cosmere dictionary, crossovers, dalinar, dictionary, discord, elantris, fantasy, harmonium, harmony, hoid, kaladin, kelsier, khriss, lift, magic, maya, mistborn, mistborn era 2, nalthis, navani, navani kholin, novels, oathbringer, philosophy, scadrial, shallan, slivers, splinters, stormblessed, stormfather, stormlight archive, szeth, thaidakar, the emperor's soul, venli, warbreaker, wind and truth, words of brandon, year of sanderson
Brooke and Tyler crack open a linguistic tome and define the finer points of Slivers, Splinters, and Avatars. In the start of a new, ongoing series we're going to attempt to bring comprehension to some of the more significant terms used throughout Cosmere stories. #NoSpoilersWaT