Cosmere Conversations
a deep dive into Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere universe
We found 1 episode of Cosmere Conversations with the tag “braize”.
Episode 167: In the Beginning...
March 4th, 2025 | 1 hr 32 mins
adolin, aethers, ashyn, autonomy, bavadin, books, braize, brandon sanderson, cognitive shadows, cosmere, crossovers, cultivation, dalinar, discord, elantris, fantasy, harmonium, harmony, hoid, honor, kaladin, kelsier, khriss, lift, magic, maya, mistborn, mistborn era 2, nalthis, navani, navani kholin, novels, oathbringer, philosophy, scadrial, shallan, stormblessed, stormfather, stormlight archive, szeth, thaidakar, the emperor's soul, venli, warbreaker, wind and truth, words of brandon, year of sanderson
Brooke and Tyler travel through time to the dawn of the Shattering and the true beginnings of Roshar. We discuss the new lore and updated timeline including Adonalsium's creation of the planet, the arrival and early activity of Honor and Cultivation, and the destruction of Ashyn. #AllSpoilers