Cosmere Conversations

a deep dive into Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere universe

About the show

Two lovers of the Cosmere explore the universe created by Brandon Sanderson with biweekly episodes discussing the intricacies of this literary masterpiece. Episodes begin with background information on the Cosmere itself and develop to be more specific regarding each world/novel. We discuss the crossovers, magic systems, and characters in great detail. For fans of Sanderson, literature, epic stories, magic, and sexy podcast hosts. #AllSpoilers

Cosmere Conversations on social media


  • Episode 167: In the Beginning...

    March 4th, 2025  |  1 hr 32 mins
    adolin, aethers, ashyn, autonomy, bavadin, books, braize, brandon sanderson, cognitive shadows, cosmere, crossovers, cultivation, dalinar, discord, elantris, fantasy, harmonium, harmony, hoid, honor, kaladin, kelsier, khriss, lift, magic, maya, mistborn, mistborn era 2, nalthis, navani, navani kholin, novels, oathbringer, philosophy, scadrial, shallan, stormblessed, stormfather, stormlight archive, szeth, thaidakar, the emperor's soul, venli, warbreaker, wind and truth, words of brandon, year of sanderson

    Brooke and Tyler travel through time to the dawn of the Shattering and the true beginnings of Roshar. We discuss the new lore and updated timeline including Adonalsium's creation of the planet, the arrival and early activity of Honor and Cultivation, and the destruction of Ashyn. #AllSpoilers

  • Episode 166: Cosmere Dictionary Vol. 2 ( feat. Jofwu )

    February 18th, 2025  |  1 hr 42 mins
    adolin, aethers, autonomy, bavadin, books, brandon sanderson, cognitive shadows, cosmere, cosmere dictionary, crossovers, dalinar, discord, elantris, fantasy, harmonium, harmony, hoid, jofwu, kaladin, kelsier, khriss, lift, magic, maya, mistborn, mistborn era 2, nalthis, navani, navani kholin, novels, oathbringer, philosophy, retribution, scadrial, shallan, stormblessed, stormfather, stormlight archive, szeth, thaidakar, the emperor's soul, venli, warbreaker, wind and truth, words of brandon, year of sanderson

    Brooke and Tyler are joined by long-time Cosmere contributor and Arcanist Jofwu to discuss cognitive shadows' origins and complexities. Perhaps the fandom's most debated and speculated-upon question is "What are cognitive shadows and how do they work?" We look at different types of cognitive entities across various planets, categorize how they are created, and wonder whether or not a cognitive shadow is/was/or will be(!) a soul. #AllSpoilers

  • Episode 165: Wind and Truth!!!

    February 4th, 2025  |  1 hr 28 mins
    adolin, aethers, autonomy, bavadin, books, brandon sanderson, cognitive shadows, cosmere, crossovers, dalinar, discord, elantris, fantasy, harmonium, harmony, hoid, kaladin, kelsier, khriss, lift, magic, maya, mistborn, mistborn era 2, nalthis, navani, navani kholin, novels, oathbringer, philosophy, retribution, scadrial, shallan, stormblessed, stormfather, stormlight archive, szeth, thaidakar, the emperor's soul, venli, warbreaker, wind and truth, words of brandon, year of sanderson

    Brooke and Tyler finally discuss Wind and Truth! We review the predictions made both right and wrong, gush about our favorite moments, and share our rough cuts from Stormlight Archive Book 5. The time for the hashtag you've been waiting for is now here. #AllSpoilers

  • Episode 164: Creating the Worldhopper Ball ( feat. Paladin Creative )

    January 21st, 2025  |  3 hrs 7 mins
    adolin, aethers, autonomy, bavadin, books, brandon sanderson, cognitive shadows, cosmere, crossovers, dalinar, discord, dragonsteel, dragonsteel nexus, dragonsteel nexus 2024, elantris, fantasy, harmonium, harmony, hoid, kaladin, kelsier, khriss, lift, magic, maya, mistborn, mistborn era 2, nalthis, navani, navani kholin, novels, oathbringer, philosophy, scadrial, shallan, stormblessed, stormfather, stormlight archive, szeth, thaidakar, the emperor's soul, venli, warbreaker, wind and truth, words of brandon, worldhopper ball, year of sanderson

    Brooke and Tyler interview Brandon and Monika Finn of Paladin Creative who created the Worldhopper Ball at DSnx24. We discuss how the Worldhopper Ball was born out of Brandon and Monika's passion for DnD, the process of pitching to Dragonsteel, the challenges of bringing a fictional world into a real space, and the wonderous five sessions attended by fans in December. This episode contains spoilers for Wind and Truth but they are clearly vocally marked during the episode. #AllSpoilers

  • Episode 163: Cosmere 401 Panel + Q&A

    January 7th, 2025  |  1 hr 47 mins
    adolin, aethers, autonomy, bavadin, books, brandon sanderson, cognitive shadows, cosmere, cosmere 401, crossovers, dalinar, discord, dragonsteel, dragonsteel nexus, dragonsteel nexus 2024, elantris, fantasy, harmonium, harmony, hoid, kaladin, kelsier, khriss, lift, live panel, magic, maya, mistborn, mistborn era 2, nalthis, navani, navani kholin, novels, oathbringer, philosophy, scadrial, shallan, stormblessed, stormfather, stormlight archive, szeth, thaidakar, the emperor's soul, venli, warbreaker, wind and truth, words of brandon, year of sanderson

    Brooke and Tyler are joined by Steve Pond (@thecosmerenaut), Joy Allen, and Seth Tye ( for the Cosmere 401 panel at Dragonsteel Nexus 2024. Take a seat in the Scadrial room and get out your notebooks for the deepest of dives into the vast sea of definitions and opinions on what exactly are Splinters, Slivers, Avatars, and Cognitive Shadows. #NoWaTSpoilers

  • Episode 162: State of the Sanderson 2024

    January 1st, 2025  |  58 mins 22 secs
    adolin, aethers, autonomy, bavadin, books, brandon sanderson, cognitive shadows, cosmere, cosmere rpg, crossovers, dalinar, discord, elantris, emperor's soul, fantasy, harmonium, harmony, hoid, kaladin, kelsier, khriss, lift, magic, maya, mistborn, mistborn era 2, nalthis, navani, navani kholin, novels, oathbringer, philosophy, scadrial, shallan, state of the sanderson, state of the sanderson 2024, stormblessed, stormfather, stormlight archive, szeth, thaidakar, the emperor's soul, venli, warbreaker, wind and truth, words of brandon, year of sanderson

    Brooke and Tyler usher in the new year by recapping the State of the Sanderson 2024. Brandon (and friends) lay out his plans for the next half decade and beyond while leaving us absolutely gobsmacked at his writing and release schedule. #NoWaTSpoilers

  • Episode 161: Cosmere Dictionary Vol. 1

    December 24th, 2024  |  49 mins 52 secs
    adolin, aethers, autonomy, avatars, bavadin, books, brandon sanderson, cognitive shadows, cosmere, cosmere dictionary, crossovers, dalinar, dictionary, discord, elantris, fantasy, harmonium, harmony, hoid, kaladin, kelsier, khriss, lift, magic, maya, mistborn, mistborn era 2, nalthis, navani, navani kholin, novels, oathbringer, philosophy, scadrial, shallan, slivers, splinters, stormblessed, stormfather, stormlight archive, szeth, thaidakar, the emperor's soul, venli, warbreaker, wind and truth, words of brandon, year of sanderson

    Brooke and Tyler crack open a linguistic tome and define the finer points of Slivers, Splinters, and Avatars. In the start of a new, ongoing series we're going to attempt to bring comprehension to some of the more significant terms used throughout Cosmere stories. #NoSpoilersWaT

  • Episode 160: Dragonsteel Nexus 2024 Recap

    December 17th, 2024  |  1 hr 27 mins
    adolin, aethers, autonomy, bavadin, books, brandon sanderson, cognitive shadows, cosmere, crossovers, dalinar, discord, dragonsteel, dragonsteel nexus, dragonsteel nexus 2024, elantris, fantasy, harmonium, harmony, hoid, kaladin, kelsier, khriss, lift, magic, maya, mistborn, mistborn era 2, nalthis, navani, navani kholin, novels, oathbringer, philosophy, scadrial, shallan, stormblessed, stormfather, stormlight archive, szeth, thaidakar, the emperor's soul, venli, warbreaker, wind and truth, words of brandon, worldhopper ball, year of sanderson

    Brooke and Tyler relive their time at Dragonsteel Nexus 2024. We chat about our top 3 favorite parts of the convention, get all kinds of emotional recapping the extravagant Worldhopper Ball, and tour through the different areas of the convention center where we spent an astonishing few days at Nexus. This is a no spoilers for Wind and Truth episode. #NoSpoilers

  • Episode 159: Wind and Truth Predictions

    November 26th, 2024  |  53 mins 47 secs
    adolin, aethers, autonomy, bavadin, books, brandon sanderson, cognitive shadows, cosmere, crossovers, dalinar, discord, elantris, fantasy, harmonium, harmony, hoid, kaladin, kelsier, khriss, lift, magic, maya, mistborn, mistborn era 2, nalthis, navanni, navanni kholin, novels, oathbringer, philosophy, scadrial, shallan, stormblessed, stormfather, stormlight archive, szeth, thaidakar, the emperor's soul, venli, warbreaker, wind and truth, words of brandon, year of sanderson

    Brooke and Tyler channel their inner gambler and make bold (perhaps insane) predictions for what will occur in Wind and Truth. Every prediction comes with absolutely zero knowledge of any Wind and Truth preview chapters and is served with a side of silliness. Share your favorite prediction as well! #AllSpoilers

  • Episode 158: Other Characters, Chronologically

    November 12th, 2024  |  1 hr 42 mins
    adolin, aethers, autonomy, bavadin, books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, crossovers, dalinar, discord, elantris, fantasy, harmonium, harmony, hoid, kelsier, khriss, lift, magic, maya, mistborn, mistborn era 2, nalthis, navanni, navanni kholin, novels, oathbringer, philosophy, scadrial, stormlight archive, szeth, thaidakar, the emperor's soul, venli, warbreaker, wind and truth, words of brandon, year of sanderson

    Brooke and Tyler call in the cool kids to finalize our journey through Rosharan timelines. Everyone gets their time in the spotlight as we recap the stories of Navanni, Venli, Lift, Szeth, and Adolin. #AllSpoilers

  • Episode 157: Dalinar Kholin, Chronologically

    October 29th, 2024  |  1 hr 26 mins
    aethers, ahu, autonomy, bavadin, books, brandon sanderson, contest of champions, cosmere, crossovers, dalinar, dalinar kholin, discord, elantris, fantasy, harmonium, harmony, hoid, jezrien, kelsier, khriss, magic, mistborn, mistborn era 2, nalthis, novels, oathbringer, philosophy, rathalas, scadrial, stormlight archive, thaidakar, the emperor's soul, the thrill, warbreaker, wind and truth, words of brandon, year of sanderson

    Brooke and Tyler hide the Horneater White as we look back in time through the life of Dalinar Kholin. Psychopath, Hero, Tyrant, Murderer, Radiant. We explore one of Roshar's most complicated and controversial characters from his time as a teenager to the final day before the start of Wind and Truth. #AllSpoilers

  • Episode 156: Shallan Davar, Chronologically

    October 15th, 2024  |  1 hr 10 mins
    aethers, autonomy, bavadin, books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, crossovers, cryptics, discord, elantris, fantasy, harmonium, harmony, heralds, hoid, kelsier, khriss, magic, master lightweaver, mistborn, mistborn era 2, nalthis, novels, oathbringer, pattern, philosophy, scadrial, shallan, shallan davar, stormlight archive, testament, thaidakar, the emperor's soul, unmade, warbreaker, wind and truth, words of brandon, year of sanderson

    Brooke and Tyler split themselves among the many timelines of Shallan Davar to discover the mysteries hidden within. The tale is sometimes confusing and contradictory but within the depths of Shallan lies many secrets to understanding the Stormlight Archive. #AllSpoilers

  • Episode 155: Looking for the Light (feat. Shayndl Green)

    October 8th, 2024  |  43 mins 34 secs
    adhesion, aethers, art, artists, autonomy, bavadin, books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, cosmere art, crossovers, digital painting, discord, elantris, fantasy, harmonium, harmony, hoid, honor's truest surge, honorspren, kelsier, khriss, looking for the light, magic, mistborn, mistborn era 2, nalthis, novels, oathbringer, painting with light, philosophy, scadrial, shayndl, shayndl green, stormlight archive, thaidakar, the emperor's soul, warbreaker, wind and truth, windspren, words of brandon, year of sanderson

    Brooke and Tyler invite Cosmere artist Shayndl Green to join for an episode discussing their newest artbook: Looking for the Light. We discuss Shayndl's background in creating art pieces from various fictional series, the development of her personal style, and the benefits and challenges of being a modern content creator. #AllSpoilers

  • Episode 154: Kaladin Stormblessed, Chronologically

    October 1st, 2024  |  1 hr 19 mins
    adhesion, aethers, autonomy, bavadin, books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, crossovers, discord, elantris, fantasy, harmonium, harmony, hoid, honor's truest surge, honorspren, kaladin, kaladin stormblessed, kelsier, khriss, magic, mistborn, mistborn era 2, nalthis, novels, oathbringer, philosophy, scadrial, stormlight archive, syl, sylphrena, thaidakar, the emperor's soul, warbreaker, wind and truth, windspren, words of brandon, year of sanderson

    Brooke and Tyler roll back the clock to review Kaladin's character journey blow by blow. This one-stop-shop goes through each of Kaladin's major plot points starting with his earliest moments in Hearthstone to his final triumphs and heartaches in Rhythm of War. #AllSpoilers

  • Episode 153: Flashbacks and the Feast

    September 17th, 2024  |  57 mins 8 secs
    aethers, anti-voidlight, autonomy, bavadin, books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, crossovers, discord, elantris, fantasy, gavilar, harmonium, harmony, heraldic epochs, heralds, hoid, honorspren, kelsier, khriss, magic, mistborn, mistborn era 2, nalthis, novels, oathbringer, odium, philosophy, scadrial, stormlight archive, thaidakar, the emperor's soul, the feast, the unmade, ulim, voidlight, warbreaker, wind and truth, windspren, words of brandon, year of sanderson

    Brooke and Tyler return to where it all began to examine the timeline and major plot events leading up to Gavilar's Feast. How'd Gavilar manage to squeeze so many meetings into so little time? Where'd his bag of voidlight gemstones end up? How many of the famous faces can we identify? #AllSpoilers

  • Episode 152: The Unmade

    September 3rd, 2024  |  1 hr 40 mins
    aethers, autonomy, ba ado mishram, bavadin, books, brandon sanderson, cosmere, crossovers, discord, elantris, fantasy, harmonium, harmony, heraldic epochs, heralds, hoid, honorspren, kelsier, khriss, magic, mistborn, mistborn era 2, nalthis, novels, oathbringer, odium, philosophy, renarin, scadrial, stormlight archive, thaidakar, the emperor's soul, the thrill, the unmade, warbreaker, wind and truth, windspren, words of brandon, year of sanderson

    Brooke and Tyler question the meaning of Enlightenment to better understand nine (or maybe ten!) of Roshar's most haunting mysteries- The Unmade. We examine how The Unmade were created and changed, detail the known aspects of each individual Unmade, and theorize wildly about one of their chosen Radiants, Renarin Kholin. #AllSpoilers